Something you need to know about this blog....

This blog archives posts, and pictures every month, so be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Older Posts" and click. You will keep seeing on each page after that"Older posts" until you reach the final older posts. There are great pictures, scrapbook pages, and things you will want to see, so don't think everything on this blog is on the first page.

You can also go to the "Blog Archives" section on the left column to and just click on the past year or months archives you want to view!

If you have a post about your family member please email me at and I will make sure your post gets put on this family blog.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Information about Scrapbook pages

I just wanted to let you know that with every new month change, the blog automatically archives what has been done in the prior month. Scroll down to the bottom Scrapbook page, and you will see the words " Old Posts". Click on that and it will take you to the other scrapbook pages and posts that have been made in the month of August. You can still click on the scrapbook pages and save them to your computer for printing. There is a total of 6 Scrapbook pages listed under "Older Posts" from the Family reunion, so don't miss any. So far in September posting there are 6 Scrapbook pages, and I am not done yet, so keep checking back with the blog to see updates.

1 comment:

Kathleen Gauger said...

I just had to post a comment since nobody else has.... Great blog, scrapbook pages and information. Now I hope that others will send in some ideas to make it even better! If anyone wants to comment on the blog, just look for the word "comment" below the posts and click on it.